Hello, we are WeWill®

We Make Wills in Scotland

Our sole aim is to offer an easy, legal and affordable online Will writing service for people living in Scotland.

For a long time Scots have been unable to make simple Wills online, as most reputable services are only available to residents of England and Wales. We created WeWill to change that. Whether you are looking to update an old Will or you want to easily write a new Will at an affordable price, we're here to help.

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What we do

WeWill provides a digital service to Scottish residents enabling them to write a modern Scots law Will online for a fair price.

By giving any Scot the same legal Will document (we'd argue better) as any solicitor would create without the high cost, we are giving every adult in Scotland the opportunity to write a Will, rather than non-legal document, or even worse, not having a Will at all.

We are a new service, or a "legaltech start-up company" and we know you may be concerned about using an online service to write such an important personal document. But one thing you can rest easy on; our team is highly experienced and the solicitors we work with us are some of the best legal and technical minds in Scotland today.

We believe...

You should be able to easily write and update a Will

We understand how confusing making a Will can be, our mission is to make the process as easy as possible for everybody. Our service breaks the process of writing or updating, to small, manageable stages, checking your information every step of the way.

You should not have to hire an expensive solicitor

Nobody should have to feel like they need be a legal expert to make their own Will. Our service is design by Scottish solicitors, so every section, clasue and detail that reflects your wishes, is legally binding within current Scots law.

Wills can be expensive, yours does not have to be

Like you, we are frustrated by cost of engaging a professional Will writer or a solicitors firm. Every person should be able to afford to write a Scottish Will for a fair price. WeWill can save you hundreds of pounds and even more when you want to update your Will.

Life is complex, but updating your Will should not be

Your Will is a legal document that needs to be updated regularly to make sure it reflects your wishes. If you get divorced, have children, or buy or sell assets, you need to make sure your Will is up-to-date. We make it easy fo ryou to make changes to your Will document at anytime, for free.

Our Customer Promise

Life is complex, but updating your Will should not be. We make a commitment to all our customers.

  1. Quick and easy

    We make the process of writing your Will quick and easy to use

  2. Transparent pricing

    We do not have any hidden fees, what you see is what you pay

  3. Confidential data

    We use military-grade AES-256 encryption to secure your data

  1. Safe way to log in

    We offer 2-Step Verification to stop others from accessing your account

  2. Designed by experts

    Our platform is designed with expert legal input from Scottish solicitors

  3. Help Center

    We guide you through each step with clear and helpful guideance

Help Centre

Choose a topic and read our detailed guides on writing your Will and managing your account.

Get in touch

Contact us if you have any questions, need help or chat with the team.